Sunday, August 28, 2011

Holy Land Adventures

     Well, it only took about 2 days, but I'm homesick. This is truly a new experience for me. From the age of 8, I couldn't wait to turn 18 “so that I can move out of the house.” And here I am, 20 years old – almost 21, in a new country, without the ability to text or call as I please, with wonderful new foods and cultures, but I am deeply homesick. I'm starting to realize the little comforts of life that I miss. I miss being able to walk around outside on my own without a male escort, I miss having internet access in my room (just to update my blog, check skype messages, and maybe watch an episode of Star Trek on Netflix), I miss being able to text people (just to tell them I miss them and update them on my day), I miss my group of friends – however small and select it may be. I know I'm supposed to be here, and I know I should be clinging to God with every silly sorrow and complaint that I have. I know that I shouldn't be complaining! I'm in the Holy Land. How ridiculous is it that I have things to complain about? (Except for not being able to go places on my own. I feel like that's a legitimate complaint.) But I digress... It has only been 2 days, and I am a strong and stubborn woman. I know that no matter how much I miss home and no matter how much I miss certain freedoms, I will get through this just fine. I'm sure that at the end of these 10 months, I will cry because I know what I'm leaving. And I know that things will get easier. I just wanted to complain a little because the people I normally complain to (Erinn, Jesse, Josh, and my Mom) aren't here.
     Now on to the things that are pretty cool. I've taken two walks around the Old City in the last two days. It doesn't look too big, but it sure feels like it when you've spent 3-5 hours walking it. That being said, it's certainly interesting. I haven't formed a real opinion about it yet, mostly because, both times I've walked around it, I've been exhausted and hot. For those of you who don't know, JUC is on top of modern day Mount Zion (which is in a different place than the Biblical Mount Zion), and it is right outside the Old City gates. Literally maybe a block or two away (you have to climb a giant hill to get there... Imagine my joy). The gate closest to the school that leads inside the city is Jaffa gate, and it enters into the Armenian quarter. So the Old City is broken up into four quarters – Armenian, Jewish, Christian, and Muslim. Yesterday was spent in the Armenian market area. The market is kind of like a grid of narrow pathways , walled with mall kiosks. Of course it's not literal mall kiosks, it's just the best way to describe the place – hundreds of tiny shops and stores with very pushy sales people out front, all shouting things like “Don't look sad young lady...”, “Excuse me miss! Excuse me!”, “Scarves for 5 sheckles or 1 dollar!”, and other variations of asking if I'm lost, if I'm looking for something, if I need help, etc.
     Today was spent in the Christian and Jewish quarters. I have to say that I'm really looking forward to going back to the Jewish quarter at some point. The physical settings class was walking through to look at the Herva Synagogue, but right across from it was a sandwich shop, two bagel shops, a bakery, and an Italian restaurant :) Imagine my delight! Scores of tantalizing smells wafting through the air and calling my name. And between all these shops is a beautiful, spacious, clean courtyard where little Jewish boys were playing – already growing their little Jew curls. It was pretty heavenly. Definitely the highlight of my day. It was just so peaceful and full of life. Unlike anything I've ever experienced in the states. It wasn't polluted with tourists or people shouting for my business (/money). I have a feeling that I'll be spending a lot of time there.
We spent the rest of the day visiting the Holy sights like the Western Wall and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. There was also something very comforting and spiritual and the Western Wall. I'm looking forward to praying there on a regular basis, hopefully. All I can say about the Holy Sepulcher is that it was... diverse. I'm a pretty hands on learner, but I didn't feel a need to wait in line for hours just to touch the rock that Jesus was supposedly crucified on or to see the tomb he was supposedly buried in. Even if this is truly the place where these things happened, it didn't make me feel any holier, any closer to God, or any more well learned. The place is so overrun with tourists, pilgrims, churches, and buildings that I can't visualize anything about the death and resurrection of Christ. I ended up just doing a lot of people watching instead. Right inside the door, there is a marble slab that was put there in the 1800s to represent the slab that Jesus was laid upon to be wrapped in linens after His death, and women were bent over it, praying, and kissing it. They all know it's not the real stone, and yet the weep and worship it any ways. Our professor said that it's supposed to be an object lesson – something to help with visualization and learning. But it just made me feel sad and uncomfortable. Like the people worshiped the items more than the event. I even joined in touching the bedrock under the hill in which Jesus was supposedly crucified, but it didn't make me feel holier. I didn't have this oncoming knowledge from the Holy Spirit. You know what I felt? Cold rock under my hands and the need to pee because I had drank so much water. I know. How can I possibly contain my excitement over such an event? And somehow I think I knew I'd feel that way. I remember watching a History Channel show with the Holy Sepulcher in it, and I felt just as empty seeing it on the screen as I did when I was there today. Not that I was expecting some huge spiritual onset. But I think I was expecting more than just emptiness and hopelessness. At least I can say I've been there, though. I've experienced it, which I think every Biblical scholar probably should. But that Western Wall... that is truly a spiritual place. It's quiet and a representation for the hope of Jews and Christians everywhere. I can see why there might be political strife over the area.
     The last really cool thing that I'll mention is church. I went to the East Jerusalem Church this morning, which is a small church (about 25 people) that is more Palestinian based. It's an English speaking church, with some Arabic thrown in. I met my Arabic professor there this morning, actually, and I think I'm going to really like her. The thing that I liked the most about the church (and I have a feeling that it's indicative of most churches here) was the worship. When the church worshiped, it wasn't centered on the music leader. In fact, the speakers were turned down quite low, and what you could hear was the loud and beautifully distinctive voices of the congregation. You could close yours eyes and hear everyone around praising God. I think it's one of the most amazing things I've ever experienced. Just to be surrounded by a group of believers that are surrounded by many more prominent religions in there town, who are probably often persecuted by family, friends, and strangers, and who love God so much that they aren't afraid to lift their voices to God. They aren't afraid to fight for Him. These are a kind of people that I can get used to. People that are truly hungry for God and who truly want to be in a community of strong believers. This is something I can get used to.
All this being said, I have class tomorrow and I'm sure I will have many updates about that in the coming week. Also, I haven't had a whole lot of time to read, but I will try to continue with my reading updates as I get more situated to my new home.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Mid-Travel Update

     I thought I would post an update that related to my actual traveling.  As of right now, I'm sitting in the USO in the Philadelphia airport and I have another 3 hours before my flight for Jerusalem leaves (which is a 14 hour flight).  So I'm just watching the World Championship for Little League baseball and eating a ham and cheese sandwich and a hot dog.  I suppose you could say that I'm exercising my rights as an American - watching sports and eating pork!  (Hehe, that rhymed)
     I spent a total of two days packing.  It's funny how God has been laying it on my heart recently that I own too much and that all the possessions I have are because of Him, and then the following week I had to try to fit 10 months worth of clothing, desk knick-knacks, and drawer organizers into two suitcases only equaling 50 lbs. each.  Talk about a challenge!  I have a total of four pairs of shoes with me - including the pair I'm wearing.  Keep in mind that I probably own at least 20 pairs, total.  But, when it came down to it, there were certain comforts that I treasured over others.  A desk lamp took precedence over a sweater and a book bag became more important than a light jacket.  I even took out some underwear so that I could pack my contacts.  It's amazing what becomes important to you when you're so far away from home and there isn't a Wal-Mart within driving distance.  Thankfully, I have amazing parents that are going to be sending me some of the stuff I had to leave behind (winter sweaters, cross-stitching stuff, and maybe another pair of tennis shoes). And it's not like I probably won't buy stuff while I'm there.  I know I will.  I think I'm just so used to particular comforts.  Though, in my defense, I wanted to bring only one laptop but my parents didn't appreciate the idea too much (How would I skype if the one I brought with me broke?  And why would I take the mini laptop - the reliable one that only weighs a few pounds - when my large one has Logos Bible Software on it?  I get what they're saying, but it would have been nice to only have one light weight laptop with me.  Much less of a hassle.)
     Now, I will spend the next two hours sleeping before the flight and several more hours on the flight.  If I go to sleep now, I can previously adjust myself to Israeli time :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

You Know You're Insane When...

                I may be out of town, for the next few days, visiting a few friends before I leave the country, so I wanted to post part 2 of 3 for chapter 1.  This is mostly due to the subject of this section being so pertinent to the people I’m about to be staying with, and I only pray that I keep it in mind while I’m there.
                Lately, when I’ve been traveling, I’ve been listening to a lot of podcasts.  I think that I prefer for my mind to be engaged for a few hours, rather than just listen to songs I’ve heard 100+ times before.  I usually listen to Ravi Zacharias (I love his accent and mixed commentary on our postmodern world), but I finally caught up on his series.  So I started to listen to an Andy Stanley series I had randomly downloaded, and I’m glad I did because it so perfectly matched this part of David Platt’s chapter.  This podcast series was on “The Shocking Statements of Jesus” and describes almost everything Platt says on how to “talk people out of following Jesus”.  What I’ve learned is that, if you want people to follow a religion, never tell them the things Jesus said (John 6, Luke 9).  Jesus told people to “eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood” in order to have eternal life.  If we heard some guy preaching that in our modern times, we would have all assumed that he was just crazy and thought of himself as a vampire.  Imagine what people in the Biblical times thought.  Even Jesus’ disciples thought he was losing his mind.  Then, as if that’s not enough, when three very eager men are looking to follow Jesus, He tells them that, to truly be His disciples, they may be homeless, they must not worry about burying their own family members, or even say goodbye to their family members, and they must even be willing to pick up a cross (a device meant for humiliation and torture) and follow Him into possible death.  I don’t think this is something that modern Christians want to think about.  You can try to rationalize it any way you want by saying things like, “Well God just wants me to be willing…”  How many times have I heard a wealthy man say that and still only give 10%?  How many times have I heard someone say that but, when they’re called to act, they shrivel up in fear?  When it comes down to it, we’re just trying to soften Jesus and make Him sound less radical.  God forbid our lives our shaken up.  I love this quote from Platt, on pg. 13 of Radical, about what we want Jesus to really be:

                “A nice, middle-class, American Jesus.  A Jesus who doesn’t mind materialism and who would never call us to give away everything we have.  A Jesus who would not expect us to forsake our closest relationships so that he receives all our affection.  A Jesus who is fine with nominal devotion that does not infringe on our comforts, because, after all, he loves us just the way we are…But do you and I realize what we are doing at this point?  We are molding Jesus into our own image… We [are] settling for a Christianity that revolves around catering to ourselves when the central message of Christianity is actually abandoning ourselves.”

                At the end of this paragraph, it took all my efforts to not yell out an, “AMEN!”  But my mother’s Bible study was going on, and I didn’t want to interrupt them.  This is something that I feel so passionately about and something I so desperately want people in America to understand, that it was actually this very part that made me want to start writing a blog.  All I could think was, “Why don’t more people think this way?  Maybe the more people that put it out there and the more people that shout it out, the more people there will be empowered by it and living it out.”
                It may seem crazy that I follow a man that asks so much of me, but, as Peter once said, “To whom shall I go?”  My eyes have been opened to God and to His blessings.  I know too much about the evil of Satan and the workings of God to turn my back on Him now.  I may have more questions now than I ever had before going to Bible college, and I may have more fear and doubt than ever before, but if I were to stop following Jesus then I would have to follow something else (sorry guys, even atheism is a religion).  The cost of following something or someone besides God is a much higher cost then any question I could ever have.
                All this made me realize that not everyone can follow Jesus (I’m not speaking about free will and predestination).  I don’t think everyone has the capacity or strength to (or call it stupidity, if you must).  More so, I think Jesus knew that because, if you read the New Testament, you’ll realize that Jesus didn’t tell everyone that came His way to just “Pray a prayer, accept me as your savior, and everything will be forgiven.”  Technically, yes, that’s the way it words.  But as there is no works without faith, there is no faith without works.  And following Jesus is work, in its own way (I don’t mean the Old Testament law and physical sacrifice way, either).  Jesus just means that if we are going to say we are going to believe in Him, then we need to go big or go home.  He asks for true devotion.  And this is what I need to remember when I’m talking to my friends who don’t know God.  I realize that so often I make it about the prize at the end of the tunnel – just believe in God and you get to go to heaven!  No more fear of death!  No more suffering by yourself!  I say all this without ever mentioning the journey to get there.  I think believers need to focus less on getting converts and more on just talking about Jesus.  Chances are many will walk away (and then at least you’ve maybe planted a seed), but some will hear about Him and know they have nowhere else to go.  And those are the kinds of people God really wants, anyways.

     Insanity:  Doing the same thing over and over again and getting the same results.
     Maybe it's time I preached the Bible the way Jesus did - untactfully; not trying to convert people; not caring what others think. 

Monday, August 15, 2011

An Unrefined Delivery System

                Loud , blunt, and untactful.  If you were to ask me how to describe myself in 3 words, these are the words I would choose.  In my defense, it’s really a family trait.  Every time my father’s side of the family reunites for Christmas, they seem to talk over each other and speak a little too honestly.  It has its moments of annoyance, along with a nostalgia I know I would miss if it weren’t there, but I’ve found a blessing within it.  A few years ago, I was sitting at Charles’ Stanley’s church, listening to a series on spiritual gifts, when I discovered that I’m an exhorter (to admonish urgently), or at least I believe I am.  When it comes down to it, when can we ever truly know or understand God’s workings in us?  Point being, what better way to exhort than without the constraints of political correctness and social standards?  Okay, so sometimes I overstep my boundaries (like when friends of mine get bad haircuts), but I always mean well (they were really bad haircuts, and I felt they needed to know).  I say all this to warn whatever readers I may have or gain, that I’m a little opinionated, a little sarcastic, and it all comes a little too naturally. J
                I want this blog to be mostly about my commentary on things that I’m reading and studying – both academically and personally, but, seeing as I’ll be leaving the country in two weeks, it seemed appropriate that I also comment on my travels around Israel for the next 10 months.  For example, I just started reading David Platt’s Radical.  I’m only a chapter in, but I am already in love with this book.  The way he describes the American church and American Christians is so truthful that it’s almost painful.
                The first illustration he gives his readers is the difference between the underground churches in Asia versus the American church.  I’ve known for some time that having a Christian church in Asia isn’t the easiest, but I never thought to what extent they are being persecuted.  But to read Platt write about church leaders traveling long distances, at different times of the day (so as to look less suspicious), meeting in a dimly lit room that is headed by a body guard, just so they can fall to their knees, sobbing, thanking God and asking Him for strength through torture and blackmail, is nothing short of heart breaking.  Only for Platt to come home to America and pastor one of the fastest growing churches in America, and to sit in a sanctuary with stage lights and a music band.  I’m not saying we’re wrong.  We’re just exercising our rights in the free country we live in.  What I’m saying is wrong, is our attitude of entitlement.  I don’t think this is true for everyone, because if it was then we wouldn’t have so many missionaries or charities.  But I think the majority of people live by the attitude of “out of sight, out of mind”.  We hear about the strife in other countries and we see commercials asking for help, but when it comes down to it – do we really care?  Aren’t we comfortable in our cushy houses?  Aren’t we comfortable with only tithing our 10% (which hardly affects most of us)?  How arrogant are we, when we are so at ease with our life that we can happily argue about what music is played, what version of the Bible is allowed, and will there be pastries and coffee after the service?  I mean, really people?  When it comes down to it does it really matter?  No!  When we start arguing about such trivial matters, it just shows that we want church to be all about us.  Imagine if Christians went to church focused on God.  I doubt there would need to be a church on every corner of the street (if you’re from the south, then you know exactly what I mean).  Even more, I doubt we would have half as many people saying that they don’t have a problem with God but the church instead, because when you’re focused on worshipping God then you have a lot less time to worry about yourself and you start loving people instead (which is what we’re called to do in the first place!). 
                Okay, so if you made it through that last paragraph, then you just successfully made it through your first mini-rant.  I have at least 2 more from this first chapter, but I’ve been advised to keep entries short.  It’s likely I won’t finish another chapter tomorrow, so this will leave more for other days.  I don’t know what days I’ll be updating, so don’t expect any continuity to this, yet.  I’m going to shoot for a few times a week, but we’ll see. 

(Sign: A funny catch phrase that I have yet to create.)