Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Mid-Travel Update

     I thought I would post an update that related to my actual traveling.  As of right now, I'm sitting in the USO in the Philadelphia airport and I have another 3 hours before my flight for Jerusalem leaves (which is a 14 hour flight).  So I'm just watching the World Championship for Little League baseball and eating a ham and cheese sandwich and a hot dog.  I suppose you could say that I'm exercising my rights as an American - watching sports and eating pork!  (Hehe, that rhymed)
     I spent a total of two days packing.  It's funny how God has been laying it on my heart recently that I own too much and that all the possessions I have are because of Him, and then the following week I had to try to fit 10 months worth of clothing, desk knick-knacks, and drawer organizers into two suitcases only equaling 50 lbs. each.  Talk about a challenge!  I have a total of four pairs of shoes with me - including the pair I'm wearing.  Keep in mind that I probably own at least 20 pairs, total.  But, when it came down to it, there were certain comforts that I treasured over others.  A desk lamp took precedence over a sweater and a book bag became more important than a light jacket.  I even took out some underwear so that I could pack my contacts.  It's amazing what becomes important to you when you're so far away from home and there isn't a Wal-Mart within driving distance.  Thankfully, I have amazing parents that are going to be sending me some of the stuff I had to leave behind (winter sweaters, cross-stitching stuff, and maybe another pair of tennis shoes). And it's not like I probably won't buy stuff while I'm there.  I know I will.  I think I'm just so used to particular comforts.  Though, in my defense, I wanted to bring only one laptop but my parents didn't appreciate the idea too much (How would I skype if the one I brought with me broke?  And why would I take the mini laptop - the reliable one that only weighs a few pounds - when my large one has Logos Bible Software on it?  I get what they're saying, but it would have been nice to only have one light weight laptop with me.  Much less of a hassle.)
     Now, I will spend the next two hours sleeping before the flight and several more hours on the flight.  If I go to sleep now, I can previously adjust myself to Israeli time :)

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